9thWorld Water Summit 2025
Now Accepting Abstracts

Deadline for Submission: May 30, 2025


Call for Papers

9thWorld Water Summit - 2025 now accepting Abstracts

Abstract Submitting
Deadline for Submission: May 30, 2025
full paper before May 30, 2025

World Water Summit 2025 is now accepting abstracts. Submit your abstract of original paper in 150-200 words by May 30, 2025 and take advantage of this opportunity to share your insight with the experts, solutions for a sustainable water solution. PAPERS are invited to present global best practice, advances in fundamental science, innovative research, policy developments, and solutions to challenges faced by water professionals worldwide on following sector:

  • Create new, inspiring solutions to the world’s water challenges
  • New Water Technologies and Innovations
  • Water Utility Management
  • Utility Efficiency and Benchmarking (including leakage and water loss)
  • Water & wastewater plant performances & optimization approaches
  • Utilities striving towards energy carbon neutral urban water services
  • Interactions of utilities with city / local and state government agencies
  • Water management in
    • Agroindustries/Food industries
    • Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
    • Energy production in oil & gas Industries
  • Energy efficiency and recovery in wastewater management
  • Large Wastewater treatment plants - design, operation, economics
  • Decentralized wastewater treatment
  • Modelling treatment processes and systems
  • Challenges and Opportunities : Waste Water Management and Resource
  • Drinking Water & Potable Reuse
    • On-line monitoring (data management, validation)
    • Drinking water treatment (disinfection, ozone, activated carbon)
    • Drinking water low cost solutions (storage & household water treatment)
    • Water safety plans
  • Solutions for optimizing water and wastewater systems at the urban scale
  • Rainwater harvesting
  • Smart water management
  • Groundwater management
  • Sustainable Development and GDP: Challenge or Dilemma
  • River restoration and River Connectivity
  • Water trading
  • Improve irrigation and energy efficiencies
  • Future trend of agricultural model in Developing countries
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Commitment towards safe and clean water for society

To Improve your Chance of Success, Consider the Following Criteria:

  1. Ensure that your paper fits the thematic tracks and that it’s relevant for experts and non-experts.
  2. Submit original content. Describe breakthrough technology, new concepts, novel applications of established concepts or improvements to existing theories (with new supporting data).
  3. Ensure that the work is well developed. If you can show concrete results that are well supported by data, your paper is more likely to be accepted.
  4. Clearly show how significant your work is. Your research must be relevant for the world, region or for other researchers and/or professionals working in your field.
  5. Prepare your outline with care, organise your material well, write clearly in plain English, prepare your graphics professionally, and make sure your information is accurate, up to date, and referenced.

To find out more about Call for Papers, please get in touch with:

Dr. Anil K. Garg
President, World Water Summit
Cell : +91-99715 00028, +91-11-22758149, 22757049
Email: dranilgarg2024@gmail.com

The Global Water Awards

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